
charlie b

04/03/2004 8:54 AM

OT-Celebration of George Harrison's Life

For the musicians and artists in the group - though way
off topic here's a heads up.

Happened on an extraoridnary performance tonight - celebrating the life
of George Harrison. More musicians per square inch on one stage than
anywhere else in the world - Ravi Shankar and his “band”, directed by
his daughter, Michael Palen doing “I’m a Lumber Jack” with the
accompanying RC Mounities choir, Eric Clapton, Billy Preston, Ringo Star
and three other drummers, Tom Petty, Paul McCartney and a flock and a
half of musicians with more guitarists than you can shake a stick at.

All these musicians had known George and each other for a long long time
and had played together for countless hours over the years. They did a
lot of George’s songs, many that were immediately recognized after being
almost forgotten. And they did what musicians can do - played their
asses off, and their hearts out - one coherent blend of feelings,
expressed as sounds, eminating from a host of instruments and a range of
voices, but all from the heart. And the word “play” was obvious - they
all were enjoying “playing” - no big egoes trying to outdo each other.-
they just locked in and took off for where musicians can go - and take
anyone along who wants to go with them. What a place that is!

The effect George had on them came out in their music and in their
voices - and it was glorious, even via a TV screen and two small

If you want to experience the celebration of a life, check PBS.org for
when this thing will be on in your area. You will definitely get a

Charlie b

This topic has 4 replies



in reply to charlie b on 04/03/2004 8:54 AM

04/03/2004 11:30 AM

charlie b wrote:

> For the musicians and artists in the group - though way
> off topic here's a heads up.
> Happened on an extraoridnary performance tonight - celebrating the life
> of George Harrison. More musicians per square inch on one stage than
> anywhere else in the world - Ravi Shankar and his “band”, directed by
> his daughter, Michael Palen doing “I’m a Lumber Jack” with the
> accompanying RC Mounities choir, Eric Clapton, Billy Preston, Ringo Star
> and three other drummers, Tom Petty, Paul McCartney and a flock and a
> half of musicians with more guitarists than you can shake a stick at.

Yeah, caught the last half of it last night. Good show. BTW one of the
guitarists was George's son, you can tell which one since he looked
*just* like George did in the 60's, hairstyle and all.


"Tom Young"

in reply to charlie b on 04/03/2004 8:54 AM

04/03/2004 7:49 PM

You can buy that concert on DVD. SWMBO gave it to me for Christmas. It is

"charlie b" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> For the musicians and artists in the group - though way
> off topic here's a heads up.
> Happened on an extraoridnary performance tonight - celebrating the life
> of George Harrison. More musicians per square inch on one stage than
> anywhere else in the world - Ravi Shankar and his "band", directed by
> his daughter, Michael Palen doing "I'm a Lumber Jack" with the
> accompanying RC Mounities choir, Eric Clapton, Billy Preston, Ringo Star
> and three other drummers, Tom Petty, Paul McCartney and a flock and a
> half of musicians with more guitarists than you can shake a stick at.
> All these musicians had known George and each other for a long long time
> and had played together for countless hours over the years. They did a
> lot of George's songs, many that were immediately recognized after being
> almost forgotten. And they did what musicians can do - played their
> asses off, and their hearts out - one coherent blend of feelings,
> expressed as sounds, eminating from a host of instruments and a range of
> voices, but all from the heart. And the word "play" was obvious - they
> all were enjoying "playing" - no big egoes trying to outdo each other.-
> they just locked in and took off for where musicians can go - and take
> anyone along who wants to go with them. What a place that is!
> The effect George had on them came out in their music and in their
> voices - and it was glorious, even via a TV screen and two small
> speakers.
> If you want to experience the celebration of a life, check PBS.org for
> when this thing will be on in your area. You will definitely get a
> buzz.
> Charlie b

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in reply to charlie b on 04/03/2004 8:54 AM

05/03/2004 3:49 AM

I recorded it last night. Haven't had a chance to see it yet. LOML is
going to watch Survivor and Apprentice tonight. I guess we'll stay
married in spite of her tastes in TV. Mayhap I'll watch it tomorrow.



in reply to charlie b on 04/03/2004 8:54 AM

04/03/2004 11:26 AM

"charlie b" wrote in message

> voices, but all from the heart. And the word "play" was obvious - they
> all were enjoying "playing" - no big egoes trying to outdo each other.-
> they just locked in and took off for where musicians can go - and take
> anyone along who wants to go with them. What a place that is!

Thanks for the heads up, Charlie .... if I don't have a gig, I'll catch it
for sure. BTW, did you see the Diana Krall Trio on Ovation channel a few
weeks back? ... I don't know if it was old or new, but that was one of the
most awesome displays of musical talent I've ever witnessed, from three or
thirty three. Even crossed generations, my 18 year old daughter was wowed.

Does Elvis Costello really deserve that? :)

Last update: 2/28/04

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