Old Oak

13/11/2004 3:58 PM

I fought the nailgun and the nailgun won


This topic has 25 replies



in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 7:53 PM

Old Oak wrote:

> Marton Czebe wrote:
>> oh, man!
>> did it go through the bone?
>> get well soon...
>> Marton
> Yep - they had to cut the bone apart to get the nail out. They cultured
> the bone and presto! Ostemyelitis. Plus 2 different staph infections.
> 2 surgeries, 5 days in the hospital and a PICC line for 2 more weeks.
> Like Keith said, I didn't even know it went in. My hand was 18" away
> and the gun double fired. I looked across the room but it wasn't in the
> wall, I looked on the floor and then I looked at my finger. The only
> blood was from it poking the second finger.
> That's what I get for doing work on my vacation...
Now yer gonna have to find a different way to pick yer nose huh?

Damn that looks like it might be sore for awhile! Speaking of sore,
my SWMBO just had her toenails removed by the pediatrist and she is
hurtin' but probably not nearly as much as you!

Keep the peroxide handy!




in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

14/11/2004 10:47 AM

Old Oak wrote:
> http://musial.ws/images/Photos/Hand/Nail%20in%20Hand%20sm.JPG
I guess you have completely redefined the word "fingernail" huh?



"Dave jackson"

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 8:34 PM

I did something similiar a few years ago. I was nailing some joists through
the rimboard. Gun in right hand, left hand holding joists. I had the gun to
high on the rimboard and it shot a 3 1/2" spike into my left hand right
between my thumb and first finger. I was lucky, didn't hit bone. Pulled
the nail out and hand was almost healed the next day. This was MY worst
experience. I am a carpenter and have seen some other nasty accidents. A
guy was walking up stairs with finger on trigger and BAM nail in kneecap.
Another guy was nailing a header which was icy. The gun slipped and he shot
into his forearm. Seen a guy nail through his foot while nailing off
subfloor. I could go on and on....The best advise i have is to treat it as a
real gun. Never point it at anything you don't want to shoot and keep
finger off the trigger until you are on target. It's so tempting,
especially if your using a nail gun productively as i do, to get careless
and just hurry things. While unfortunate, i hope you are OK and the photo
reminds everyone to BE CAREFUL with your nail guns! -dave

"Old Oak" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> http://musial.ws/images/Photos/Hand/Nail%20in%20Hand%20sm.JPG


in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 4:43 PM

My wife is a builder. Nail guns are one of the biggest causes of worksite
accidents. She had one guy with a nail in the roof of his mouth. They weren't
sure what happened until the ER docs found the nail.
Lucky it was a 10d, a 16d would have hit his brain.


[email protected] (WilliaJ2)

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

14/11/2004 12:08 AM

Get well - Hope that heals up for you.
Another reminder to treat a nail gun just as a real weapon.

Big John

Take out the TRASH for E-mail.



in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

22/11/2004 6:02 AM

Andy Dingley wrote:
> On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 20:32:20 -0800, Tim Douglass
> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> You may be a redneck if a friend of yours has ever died immediately
>> after saying "Hey, y'all! Watch this!"
> You may be a Gen-X'er if you say
> "Look at the penalty for failure dude"
> before your friend falls down a cliff
> http://www.heavy.com/collegiate/videos/milescrash-500k.mpeg

Amazing how this video has made it 'round the world since airing on AMB.
Miles should have sold the video. I still can't believe he came out with
no broken bones.

Back to the topic, I once had to pull a piece of trim off one of my workers
finger. He had shot a 1" brad through the edge of the trim and into his
finger. I told him the miters didn't line up.......



Tim Douglass

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

14/11/2004 8:32 PM

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 13:20:27 GMT, KS <[email protected]> wrote:

>(1)They are used having "accidents" and are likely to have said "Hey,
>watch this!" just prior to the "accident".

You may be a redneck if a friend of yours has ever died immediately
after saying "Hey, y'all! Watch this!"

Tim Douglass



Larry Jaques

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 6:24 PM

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 22:53:48 GMT, mac davis <[email protected]>
calmly ranted:

>On 13 Nov 2004 16:43:05 GMT, [email protected] (Greg) wrote:
>>My wife is a builder. Nail guns are one of the biggest causes of worksite
>>accidents. She had one guy with a nail in the roof of his mouth. They weren't
>>sure what happened until the ER docs found the nail.
>>Lucky it was a 10d, a 16d would have hit his brain.
>if he had one..
>how did he get a nail in the roof of his mouth???

She stapled his nuts to the ladder and when he screamed...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If God approved of nudity, we all would have been born naked.
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
http://www.diversify.com Your Wild & Woody Website Wonk


mac davis

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 10:56 PM

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:58:08 GMT, Old Oak <[email protected]> wrote:


if the person owning the finger is the same one taking the picture, I
sure wouldn't want to work along side of them... weird!


Larry Jaques

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 9:27 AM

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:58:08 GMT, Old Oak <[email protected]> calmly


Dip it in ink. You can use it as a pen.

P.S: Ouch! I tried that with a brad nailah, a 1" brad through a
1/2" board (my neighbor's birdhouse). My hand wasn't QUITE far
enough away from the brad as it diverted and came through the

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If God approved of nudity, we all would have been born naked.
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
http://www.diversify.com Your Wild & Woody Website Wonk


[email protected] (Marton Czebe)

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 2:00 PM

oh, man!
did it go through the bone?

get well soon...




in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 5:45 PM

some day I will learn not to look at jpegs.



in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

14/11/2004 1:20 PM

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] says...
> On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 20:56:24 -0600, Robert Galloway
> <[email protected]> wrote:
> it just kinda scares me that someone would say "gee, I shot a nail
> through my finger, let me get a picture of this"..

Naw, you don't have to worry about guys like that. You need to watch out
for are the ones that forget to take a picture before pulling the nail
out themselves.
(1)They are used having "accidents" and are likely to have said "Hey,
watch this!" just prior to the "accident".

(2)After pulling the nail out, the guy that realizes "just how cool would
it be to have a picture of it" and decides to "put er back in" and pose
for the camera


Old Oak

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 10:51 PM

Marton Czebe wrote:
> oh, man!
> did it go through the bone?
> get well soon...
> Marton

Yep - they had to cut the bone apart to get the nail out. They cultured
the bone and presto! Ostemyelitis. Plus 2 different staph infections.
2 surgeries, 5 days in the hospital and a PICC line for 2 more weeks.

Like Keith said, I didn't even know it went in. My hand was 18" away
and the gun double fired. I looked across the room but it wasn't in the
wall, I looked on the floor and then I looked at my finger. The only
blood was from it poking the second finger.

That's what I get for doing work on my vacation...



in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 7:00 PM

Greg wrote:

> Lucky it was a 10d, a 16d would have hit his brain.



"Mark Jerde"

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

14/11/2004 12:51 AM

Old Oak wrote:

Hope you get well quickly. That is *not* a picture I'll forget anytime

> That's what I get for doing work on my vacation...

I don't doubt it. <no bs>I grew up on a farm/ranch in South Dakota in the
1970's and we worked both Saturday and Sunday. But we broke so much
equipment on Sundays we finally quit doing anything but "chores" on
Sunday.</no bs>

We humanoids need our rest. Perhaps the cosmos is against us when we work
on vacations and the one-day-in-seven.

-- Mark


Andy Dingley

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

21/11/2004 7:57 PM

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 20:32:20 -0800, Tim Douglass
<[email protected]> wrote:

>You may be a redneck if a friend of yours has ever died immediately
>after saying "Hey, y'all! Watch this!"

You may be a Gen-X'er if you say
"Look at the penalty for failure dude"
before your friend falls down a cliff

Smert' spamionam


Tim Douglass

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 12:09 PM

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:58:08 GMT, Old Oak <[email protected]> wrote:


That looks ugly. Probably hurts too.

I did notice that your thumb shows evidence that you aren't a stranger
to sharp objects and trauma.

Does anyone else wonder about people who take pictures of their
injuries? I'd be way too busy running around in circles spreading
blood all over the shop before heading into the house screaming for my
wife to drive me to emergency. I don't handle injury gracefully. Maybe
that's why I'm so careful.

Tim Douglass




in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

19/11/2004 12:21 AM

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 06:34:37 GMT, mac davis <[email protected]>

>On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 20:56:24 -0600, Robert Galloway
><[email protected]> wrote:
>it just kinda scares me that someone would say "gee, I shot a nail
>through my finger, let me get a picture of this"..
>Maybe if I shot one through my foot, I'd have to wait for the picture
>to get taken and previewed before they helped me get the damn nail

Nah. A real injury usually doesn't hurt for a while. I get a lot of
cuts and abrasions working with raw metal, and the little tiny ones
usually sting like crazy, but the one that took a mess of stitches to
put back together never hurt a bit.

>>Why do you say this? Give me a guy to work with who doesn't go ape shit
>>over a little hurt any day. Used to have a lot of respect for Clement
>>Bruening, a guy who would pull out his handkerchief and wrap it around
>>whatever was bleeding and keep on working. Admittedly, he had only
>>minor skin cuts but he was certainly no hypochondriac. I worked along
>>side him, neither for him nor he for me.
>>bob g.
>>mac davis wrote:
>>> On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:58:08 GMT, Old Oak <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> if the person owning the finger is the same one taking the picture, I
>>> sure wouldn't want to work along side of them... weird!

Aut inveniam viam aut faciam


mac davis

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

14/11/2004 6:34 AM

On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 20:56:24 -0600, Robert Galloway
<[email protected]> wrote:
it just kinda scares me that someone would say "gee, I shot a nail
through my finger, let me get a picture of this"..
Maybe if I shot one through my foot, I'd have to wait for the picture
to get taken and previewed before they helped me get the damn nail

>Why do you say this? Give me a guy to work with who doesn't go ape shit
>over a little hurt any day. Used to have a lot of respect for Clement
>Bruening, a guy who would pull out his handkerchief and wrap it around
>whatever was bleeding and keep on working. Admittedly, he had only
>minor skin cuts but he was certainly no hypochondriac. I worked along
>side him, neither for him nor he for me.
>bob g.
>mac davis wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:58:08 GMT, Old Oak <[email protected]> wrote:
>> if the person owning the finger is the same one taking the picture, I
>> sure wouldn't want to work along side of them... weird!


Unisaw A100

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 2:46 PM

I feel (OK, felt your pain, OK, maybe not quite as bad) when
I did a similar thing. The same old same old, working tired
and the next thing I knew I had a 7/8" narrow crown staple
where it shouldn't be.

Funny thing was, my first thought was, "Damn! That one
didn't set". As I reached for the nail set it dawned on me.

As I said, working tired.

UA100, who has "teknikally" only hurt(1) himself twice in
the shop, touch wood...

(1) Nasty drawing of blood.


Robert Galloway

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 8:56 PM

Why do you say this? Give me a guy to work with who doesn't go ape shit
over a little hurt any day. Used to have a lot of respect for Clement
Bruening, a guy who would pull out his handkerchief and wrap it around
whatever was bleeding and keep on working. Admittedly, he had only
minor skin cuts but he was certainly no hypochondriac. I worked along
side him, neither for him nor he for me.

bob g.

mac davis wrote:

> On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 15:58:08 GMT, Old Oak <[email protected]> wrote:
> if the person owning the finger is the same one taking the picture, I
> sure wouldn't want to work along side of them... weird!


mac davis

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

13/11/2004 10:53 PM

On 13 Nov 2004 16:43:05 GMT, [email protected] (Greg) wrote:

>My wife is a builder. Nail guns are one of the biggest causes of worksite
>accidents. She had one guy with a nail in the roof of his mouth. They weren't
>sure what happened until the ER docs found the nail.
>Lucky it was a 10d, a 16d would have hit his brain.

if he had one..
how did he get a nail in the roof of his mouth???


in reply to mac davis on 13/11/2004 10:53 PM

14/11/2004 2:11 AM

>how did he get a nail in the roof of his mouth???

Reaching around to shoot a nail in the back side of a stud wall. It missed. He
didn't even know what happened since the firestop he was nailing hit him in the
nose. It was later when he passed out and they called 911 that the ER docs saw
the nail.... on an Xray.


mac davis

in reply to Old Oak on 13/11/2004 3:58 PM

14/11/2004 3:03 PM

On Sun, 14 Nov 2004 13:20:27 GMT, KS <[email protected]> wrote:

>In article <[email protected]>,
>[email protected] says...
>> On Sat, 13 Nov 2004 20:56:24 -0600, Robert Galloway
>> <[email protected]> wrote:
>> it just kinda scares me that someone would say "gee, I shot a nail
>> through my finger, let me get a picture of this"..
>Naw, you don't have to worry about guys like that. You need to watch out
>for are the ones that forget to take a picture before pulling the nail
>out themselves.
>(1)They are used having "accidents" and are likely to have said "Hey,
>watch this!" just prior to the "accident".
>(2)After pulling the nail out, the guy that realizes "just how cool would
>it be to have a picture of it" and decides to "put er back in" and pose
>for the camera


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