Quick Turnings

02/01/2005 10:29 PM

Another Webpage Collection of Turnings

Inspired by the recent thread of the fine web page showing fine
collections of wood turning products, I have made my own page to show
some of my work. I too would like to receive feedback as to what you
think of my collection. My web page design still needs some work, but
I am truly proud of my efforts so far.

Thanks for your input and support!


Quick Turning

This topic has 25 replies


Dave Balderstone

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 9:11 PM

In article <[email protected]>, Mark & Juanita
<[email protected]> wrote:

> I think the OP may have gotten in a bit of a hurry putting together the
> web page and did not properly link all what he intended to show.

Hmm. When I looked at the site, my first thought was that it's intended
as a joke.



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 2:44 PM

Edwin - wow you must really have applied yourself to that post.

Now I know why people come here to seek out feedback and help - its
because they want smart-ass comments like that to help them on their
way. Your magnanimity was overwhelming - so much so that I must have
missed it.

Take some advice from an animated rabbit - Walt Disney - Thumper - "If
you cant say something nice about someone, dont say anything at all"
Good wise words.



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 3:23 PM

Irrespective of what they look like or how the site may appear - you
agree that it is correct for Mr Pawlowski to behave in such a juvenile
and ill-considered manner then?

Or perhaps it is my mistake. Silly me.

I thought people came on here to seek support, guidance and other
intangible benefits.
Should I be seeking the masochists 'R Us room instead?



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 3:43 PM

Ah - file under p - for puerile.

And your post in which you provide some constructive help would be



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 3:47 PM

lol - joke is certainly on me!

Mea culpa.

However on a more serious note -- in the short time I have been back
here following a 3 year absence - certain posters seem to be very quick
to criticise with little balance to the postings.

Yes I should have checked first - but was working to a principle!
Thanks for the heads up btw!



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 5:56 PM

Good start. Like Edwin says, optional links from each pic to a much
bigger one would be helpful. This way, luddites with dialup don't have
to wait long, and those with broadband can click to their hearts
You might also be interested in rec.crafts.woodturning and


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

05/01/2005 12:34 AM

>>Was just trying to have some fun. With all of the "this and that"
>>going on here lately, seemed to me to be the right thing. Hope I
>>didn't offend anyone with my "sense" of humor.
>>Happy New Year and have fun making shavings and sawdust!
>>Quick Turnings

Well you got me! Thanks.


Dave in Fairfax

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

04/01/2005 5:04 PM

Quick Turnings wrote:
> Bingo!
> Was just trying to have some fun. With all of the "this and that"
> going on here lately, seemed to me to be the right thing. Hope I
> didn't offend anyone with my "sense" of humor.

That's what I'd assumed. My first thought was that your lathe was
much neater than mine, I can't turn my spindles that direction.
Mine all spin on the long axis. %-)

Dave in Fairfax
Dave Leader
reply-to doesn't work
daveldr at att dot net
American Association of Woodturners
Capital Area Woodturners



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

04/01/2005 3:58 PM

Quick Turnings wrote:

> On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 21:11:35 -0600, Dave Balderstone
> <dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca> wrote:
> >
> >Hmm. When I looked at the site, my first thought was that it's intended
> >as a joke.
> Bingo!
> Was just trying to have some fun. With all of the "this and that"
> going on here lately, seemed to me to be the right thing. Hope I
> didn't offend anyone with my "sense" of humor.

I think the confusion that comes into play is that the ""this and that"
going on" is/was taking place in "rec.crafts.woodturning" not here on

Jack Novak
Buffalo, NY - USA
(Remove "SPAM" from email address to reply)


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 11:39 PM

"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Irrespective of what they look like or how the site may appear - you
> agree that it is correct for Mr Pawlowski to behave in such a juvenile
> and ill-considered manner then?
> Or perhaps it is my mistake. Silly me.
> I thought people came on here to seek support, guidance and other
> intangible benefits.
> Should I be seeking the masochists 'R Us room instead?

Juvenile? Since when is the truth ill considered or ill mannered? Sorryt
if you think it is juvenile, but I did not see any truly worthwhile work on
your web page. No pictures, no text aside from a few words that it needs
work. There is nothing of value on your web page. Nothing of interest for
an adult. l Seriously, look at the quivering spindles. Perhaps a four year
old may think them cute, but they appear to be a cartoon that was animated,
not a gallery of work done on a lathe.

Perhaps you page did not upload properly? Is this your original beta page?
I stand by my honest comments. Yes, do come back when you have a photo or
two to share as I would be interested. OK, I'll make a postive comment. It
was a nice shade of white for the background.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 12:52 AM

"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Yes I should have checked first - but was working to a principle!
> Thanks for the heads up btw!
> Jonathon

No apology necessary. Heads up, that's a cute one. I think I know what your
head was up.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 12:47 AM

"Quick Turnings" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> Ed, thanks for the feedback. I have done some updates to the web
> page and have added some pictures of the wood turnings I have
> collected. I hope you like the update and again thanks for the great
> feedback! <g>
> http://home.earthlink.net/~quickturnings/index.htm
> Quick Turning

Looks like you are on the right track. I hope you can get it set up to show
the large format by clicking on the thumbnail

I've not done any turnings, but I do admire the work others can do and make
it look so easy.


"Edwin Pawlowski"

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 10:31 PM

"Quick Turnings" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> My web page design still needs some work, but
> I am truly proud of my efforts so far.
> Thanks for your input and support!
> http://home.earthlink.net/~quickturnings/index.htm

All I see is some cartoonish looking spindles that quiver and make my
eyeballs hurt. Come back when you have something to show.



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 12:01 AM

"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edwin - wow you must really have applied yourself to that post.
> Now I know why people come here to seek out feedback and help - its
> because they want smart-ass comments like that to help them on their
> way. Your magnanimity was overwhelming - so much so that I must have
> missed it.
> Take some advice from an animated rabbit - Walt Disney - Thumper - "If
> you cant say something nice about someone, dont say anything at all"
> Good wise words.

I kinda thought it was a waste of time also. Kinda like asking some one
to check out a book that you wrote but it has no words.



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 11:43 PM

"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Irrespective of what they look like or how the site may appear - you
> agree that it is correct for Mr Pawlowski to behave in such a juvenile
> and ill-considered manner then?
> Or perhaps it is my mistake. Silly me.
> I thought people came on here to seek support, guidance and other
> intangible benefits.
> Should I be seeking the masochists 'R Us room instead?

Jon, maybe this would all make more sense to you if you clicked on the link?
There are no photos of turnings, only a crudely animated graphic that
vaguely resembles a spindle. I'm quite certain you are the only one that
has taken offense, certainly due to you not "getting the joke" which
originated with the original poster and his "Quick Turning" link.

Good grief man. Get a clue and loosen up a little.

Kevin in Bakersfield


Bruce Barnett

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 12:30 AM

"Jonathon" <[email protected]> writes:

> However on a more serious note -- in the short time I have been back
> here following a 3 year absence - certain posters seem to be very quick
> to criticise with little balance to the postings.

There are also those quick to take offense when no offense was meant.
Misunderstanding goes both ways, you know...

> Yes I should have checked first - but was working to a principle!

Sending unsolicited commercial e-mail to this account incurs a fee of
$500 per message, and acknowledges the legality of this contract.



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 7:44 PM

On 2 Jan 2005 15:23:59 -0800, "Jonathon" <[email protected]>

>Irrespective of what they look like or how the site may appear - you
>agree that it is correct for Mr Pawlowski to behave in such a juvenile
>and ill-considered manner then?
>Or perhaps it is my mistake. Silly me.
>I thought people came on here to seek support, guidance and other
>intangible benefits.
>Should I be seeking the masochists 'R Us room instead?

It's Usenet. If you don't have fireproof underwear, it's probably
better to find a moderated forum somewhere. You gotta take the good
with the bad.
Aut inveniam viam aut faciam


Mark & Juanita

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 2:24 PM

On 2 Jan 2005 14:44:06 -0800, "Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote:

>Edwin - wow you must really have applied yourself to that post.
>Now I know why people come here to seek out feedback and help - its
>because they want smart-ass comments like that to help them on their
>way. Your magnanimity was overwhelming - so much so that I must have
>missed it.
>Take some advice from an animated rabbit - Walt Disney - Thumper - "If
>you cant say something nice about someone, dont say anything at all"
>Good wise words.

Bit thin-skinned there, ain't we; who crapped in your cheerios? You
might take a look in abpw or abpf to find that most folks here are pretty
supportive of work that is posted and encourage one another in the pursuit
of this hobby.

I agree with Ed, there are no links from the rather small thumbnails that
show 4 blanks and what might be a finished spindle to anything larger on
the web page to which he was commenting. The gentleman asked for feedback,
he got it -- it wasn't all that disparaging, i.e.

a) The animated spindles are somewhat distracting
b) 2 pictures of Acacia blanks, and two redwood blanks are not
illustrative of one's turning capability.
c) The spindle shown might be interesting, but the thumbnail is to small to
see any detail.
d) If the OP inserted links that are not viewable from Mozilla, then it
would be a good idea to support other than Microsoft Browsers.

I think the OP may have gotten in a bit of a hurry putting together the
web page and did not properly link all what he intended to show.


Now we'll just use some glue to hold things in place until the brads dry



Quick Turnings

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 12:38 AM

On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 22:31:11 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]>

>All I see is some cartoonish looking spindles that quiver and make my
>eyeballs hurt. Come back when you have something to show.

Ed, thanks for the feedback. I have done some updates to the web
page and have added some pictures of the wood turnings I have
collected. I hope you like the update and again thanks for the great
feedback! <g>


Quick Turning


Mark & Juanita

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 10:31 PM

On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 21:11:35 -0600, Dave Balderstone
<dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca> wrote:

>In article <[email protected]>, Mark & Juanita
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> I think the OP may have gotten in a bit of a hurry putting together the
>> web page and did not properly link all what he intended to show.
>Hmm. When I looked at the site, my first thought was that it's intended
>as a joke.

You are probably right. Maybe I got in a bit of a hurry putting together
a reply and didn't fully link all the evidence into a coherent conclusion.


Now we'll just use some glue to hold things in place until the brads dry




in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 12:03 AM

"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Irrespective of what they look like or how the site may appear - you
> agree that it is correct for Mr Pawlowski to behave in such a juvenile
> and ill-considered manner then?
> Or perhaps it is my mistake. Silly me.
> I thought people came on here to seek support, guidance and other
> intangible benefits.
> Should I be seeking the masochists 'R Us room instead?

There was nothing to evaluate.



in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

02/01/2005 11:17 PM

"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Edwin - wow you must really have applied yourself to that post.

But they are cartoonish looking spindles that quiver. Did you check the
link and see something different?

Kevin in Bakersfield


mac davis

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

04/01/2005 4:33 PM

On Tue, 04 Jan 2005 06:31:43 GMT, Quick Turnings
<[email protected]> wrote:

>On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 21:11:35 -0600, Dave Balderstone
><dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca> wrote:
>>Hmm. When I looked at the site, my first thought was that it's intended
>>as a joke.
>Was just trying to have some fun. With all of the "this and that"
>going on here lately, seemed to me to be the right thing. Hope I
>didn't offend anyone with my "sense" of humor.
>Happy New Year and have fun making shavings and sawdust!
>Quick Turnings

I saw it as humor and very "quick"..lol
The timing was near perfect and the idea was funny..


Please remove splinters before emailing


Quick Turnings

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

04/01/2005 6:31 AM

On Mon, 03 Jan 2005 21:11:35 -0600, Dave Balderstone
<dave@N_O_T_T_H_I_S.balderstone.ca> wrote:

>Hmm. When I looked at the site, my first thought was that it's intended
>as a joke.


Was just trying to have some fun. With all of the "this and that"
going on here lately, seemed to me to be the right thing. Hope I
didn't offend anyone with my "sense" of humor.

Happy New Year and have fun making shavings and sawdust!

Quick Turnings


Colonel Andy

in reply to Quick Turnings on 02/01/2005 10:29 PM

03/01/2005 7:22 PM

On Sun, 02 Jan 2005 23:39:12 GMT, "Edwin Pawlowski" <[email protected]>

>"Jonathon" <[email protected]> wrote in message
>news:[email protected]...
>> Irrespective of what they look like or how the site may appear - you
>> agree that it is correct for Mr Pawlowski to behave in such a juvenile
>> and ill-considered manner then?
>> Or perhaps it is my mistake. Silly me.
>> I thought people came on here to seek support, guidance and other
>> intangible benefits.
>> Should I be seeking the masochists 'R Us room instead?
>Juvenile? Since when is the truth ill considered or ill mannered? Sorryt
>if you think it is juvenile, but I did not see any truly worthwhile work on
>your web page. No pictures, no text aside from a few words that it needs
>work. There is nothing of value on your web page. Nothing of interest for
>an adult. l Seriously, look at the quivering spindles. Perhaps a four year
>old may think them cute, but they appear to be a cartoon that was animated,
>not a gallery of work done on a lathe.
>Perhaps you page did not upload properly? Is this your original beta page?
>I stand by my honest comments. Yes, do come back when you have a photo or
>two to share as I would be interested. OK, I'll make a postive comment. It
>was a nice shade of white for the background.
Angry because no "sausage" pix were evident???


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