Good luck! You just described why I rarely do retail work. You can't
please everyone and some don't know what they want. Unless she gets real
specific make sure that what you make is something that you can sell to
someone else. Set a fair price based on what same piece would retail for in
a store and subtract 50% which is what you get if you sold it to the store.
Art Ransom
Lancaster , Texas
[email protected]
I would not discount 50%. Price at what market will bear and if it
will bear retail then charge that. But I do agree that unless they
prepay for the work then they do not get to design some something you
cannot easily sell to cover your time. I bet you spend as much time
trying to come up with a design or answer form the person then you do
making the thng.
"Art Ransom" <[email protected]> wrote:
>Good luck! You just described why I rarely do retail work. You can't
>please everyone and some don't know what they want. Unless she gets real
>specific make sure that what you make is something that you can sell to
>someone else. Set a fair price based on what same piece would retail for in
>a store and subtract 50% which is what you get if you sold it to the store.