

23/06/2004 7:40 PM

OT Humor: Dry T-shirts

T-shirts Observed at the Ocean City, Maryland Beach.
I Childproofed My House, but They Still Get In.

On the Front) 60 Is Not Old.
On the Back) If You're a Tree.

I'm Still Hot. It Just Comes in Flashes.

At My Age, "Getting Lucky" Means Finding My Car in the Parking Lot.

My Reality Check Just Bounced.

Life Is Short. . Make Fun of it

I'm Not 50. I'm $49.95 plus Tax.

Annapolis--a Drinking Town with a Sailing Problem.

I Need Somebody Bad. Are You Bad?

Physically Pffffft!>

Buckle Up. It Makes it Harder for the Aliens to Snatch You from Your Car.

It's My Cat's World. I'm Just Here to Open Cans.

Keep Staring....I May Do a Trick.

We Got Rid of the Kids. The Cat Was Allergic.

Dangerously Under-medicated.

My Mind Works like Lightning. One Brilliant Flash and It's Gone.

Every Time I Hear the Dirty Word "Exercise" I Wash My Mouth out with

Cats Regard People as Warm-blooded Furniture.

Live Your Life So That When You Die, the Preacher Will Not Have to Tell
Lies at Your Funeral.

My Wife Came with Instructions---lots of Instructions