i have painted a kids barbie wood doll house with latex paint in
different colors. and want to put a finish on it. can i use varathane
dimond wood finish- semigloss, interior (i am just writing what is on
the bottle:) i have this one here and if i can use it instead of
buying something else that would be great.. please let me know
thanks:) i would prefer something that i dont have to spray on and
give off a lot of fumes..
On Nov 21, 8:15=A0pm, scrapd...@telus.net wrote:
> i have painted a =A0kids barbie wood doll house with latex paint in
> different colors. and want to put a finish on it. can i use varathane
> dimond wood finish- semigloss, interior (i am just writing what is on
> the bottle:) =A0i have this one here and if i can use it instead of
> buying something else that would be great.. please let me know
> thanks:) i would prefer something that i dont have to spray =A0on and
> give off a lot of fumes..
this is the stuff i have that i wanted to know if i could put on a
doll house.. i also used acrilic paints on the walls.. it says it is
water based.. non yellowing..
That finish will work, but before going through the effort of putting it on
decide what you are trying to accomplish. A high quality latex paint would
perform well on its own.
When Varathane Diamond Finish came out it had a slight pinkish color.
Hopefully the people at Varathane fixed that.
<scrapdiva@telus.net> wrote in message
>i have painted a kids barbie wood doll house with latex paint in
> different colors. and want to put a finish on it. can i use varathane
> dimond wood finish- semigloss, interior (i am just writing what is on
> the bottle:) i have this one here and if i can use it instead of
> buying something else that would be great.. please let me know
> thanks:) i would prefer something that i dont have to spray on and
> give off a lot of fumes..
Old Guy wrote:
> If not, get some water based varnish (Waterlox is one) and try
> it. It is pretty clear, with a slight blue tinge. I don't use it a
> lot, because I don't like it.
The product known commonly as "Waterlox", "Waterlox Original Sealer and
Finish", is NOT a water based finish.
I can't even find a water based finish on the Waterlox (the brand) website.
"J. Clarke" <jclarke.usenet@cox.net> wrote in message
> > i have painted a kids barbie wood doll house with latex paint in
> > different colors. and want to put a finish on it. can i use
> > varathane dimond wood finish- semigloss,
> Uh, latex paint _is_ a finish. What do you hope to accomplish by
> putting Varathane over it?
Possibly, the latex was flat or maybe only semi-gloss and he wants it shiny.
If that was the case, then he'd paint again with a gloss latex.
Congrats on the doll house. That can be fiddly work.
I would try using varathane (which I'm pretty sure is an oil based
varnish) over the latex painted surface. But, I'd try it out on a
sample first. If you didn't plan ahead enuf to have a sample on hand,
now is a good time to make one. Otherwise, try a spot that doesn't
show to make sure it looks the way that you want.
All varnishes add a yellow color to the surface. Be sure you want
that. If not, get some water based varnish (Waterlox is one) and try
it. It is pretty clear, with a slight blue tinge. I don't use it a
lot, because I don't like it.
With the varathane, I suggest you thin it about 1/3 with mineral
spirits before you apply. It goes on easier, less runs and ripples,
and dries faster. Then I'd put on two coats, because the amount of
solids were reduced with the thinning, and kids are hard on things
they play with.
Old Guy
On Nov 21, 10:15=A0pm, scrapd...@telus.net wrote:
> i have painted a =A0kids barbie wood doll house with latex paint in
> different colors. and want to put a finish on it. can i use varathane
> dimond wood finish- semigloss, interior (i am just writing what is on
> the bottle:) =A0i have this one here and if i can use it instead of
> buying something else that would be great.. please let me know
> thanks:) i would prefer something that i dont have to spray =A0on and
> give off a lot of fumes..
scrapdiva@telus.net wrote:
> i have painted a kids barbie wood doll house with latex paint in
> different colors. and want to put a finish on it. can i use
> varathane
> dimond wood finish- semigloss, interior (i am just writing what is
> on
> the bottle:) i have this one here and if i can use it instead of
> buying something else that would be great.. please let me know
> thanks:) i would prefer something that i dont have to spray on and
> give off a lot of fumes..
Uh, latex paint _is_ a finish. What do you hope to accomplish by
putting Varathane over it?
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