
05/03/2006 9:47 AM

Science is starting to understand "Dimensions!" -

Science is starting to understand "Dimensions!" -
Here are some profound, but very basic facts about our reality:

The first basic fact is about Aether.

Aether: Also called: Prana, Akasha, Chiaki, or Quantum Medium.
The existence of aether was proved by the creation of a Faraday cage.
This is an absolute vacuum, lead shielded from all known radiation, and
cooled down to absolute zero -273.
Despite all these precautions, the void was found to have a tremendous
amount of energy, and this was called ZPE zero point energy. A source
of almost impossibly grand power.
The 4 basic force fields, gravity, electromagnetism, weak and strong
nuclear force are different forms of this same ZPE.

The second basic fact is about vibrationary levels and dimensions.

Vibratory Levels: Aether has different vibration levels. As an object
moves, its gravitational mass and electric charge start to decrease.
Until at the speed of light they reach zero.
In other words, if you travel at very high speeds your weight keeps
decreasing, until it finally reaches Zero!

Zero? So where does it go? It goes into different levels of aether

These different levels of aether correspond with what we also call

Transmutation: They get displaced to higher vibratory levels of
aether. Those which have been recognised so far are the following: And
the laws of physics are different in each level. The levels: Solid
State - Dense Superfluid - Gaseous with Molecular motion -
Stellar Plasma Energy -Galactic Processes.

You will notice that we have not yet reached the "Spiritual" level.
This has not yet been recognised "scientifically" grin!

