instructions on how to make your own.
Always put off until tomorrow something which, tomorrow, you could put
off until, let's say, next year.
- Lady Myria LeJean.
Life just ain't life without good music. - JOAT
Web Page Update 23 Jul 2003. Some tunes I like.
On Mon, 28 Jul 2003 21:34:54 -0400 (EDT), [email protected]
(Jack-of-all-trades - JOAT) wrote:
> "Detailed"
>instructions on how to make your own.
The most precious guitar I ever --or will *ever* have-- owned was
a '61 Hav-A-Tampa. On second thought, it may have been a '61 White
Owl. I can't remember exactly which brand of cigars my dad smoked
back then, but he made it for me. I played with it for a couple of
days, but then I took the stick and strings off of it so I could use
the box for my marbles. I would trade not only my current guitar, but
anything I own, to have that guitar back.
Michael Baglio
Chapel Hill