
23/08/2004 2:51 AM

Any info on Craftsman "3 in 1" sanding Center


Does anybody here have any experience with the Craftsman 6 x 12 in.
Sanding Center. (Sears item #00921516000 Mfr. model #21516 ) This is
the unit with a belt sander, disk sander, oscillating spindle sander,
and built in dust collection. It's imported from China and Palmgren
sells the same product with their brand name on it, although for
approximately fifty dollars more.

I saw last month a magazine (I think FWW) reviewed 6 x 12 sanders and
listed it as an editors choice and this month Wood magazine reviewed
sanders and listed it as a top value. I wonder though if this is more
for innovation. Went down to my local Sears and they did have a floor
model. They wouldn't run it for me but it definately looked beefy.
Weighed about two hundred pounds. Nice cast iron tables for each
sanding station although the OSS table looked a little small for it's

Right now Sears has it on sale for fifty dollars off (only on their
website) and I'm seriously considering it for my limited space garage

Anybody here with any experience with this thing?


This topic has 1 replies



in reply to [email protected] (John) on 23/08/2004 2:51 AM

23/08/2004 2:34 PM

The recent issue of WOOD gave it a pretty good review. In fact I believe it
ended up being a best value selection.


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