Not receiving the "usual remarks or comments" would be considered a blessing
by some.
"Jim Heater" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On the 27th I posted some pictures of a desk and some boxes I made. I
> know if they were viewable by anyone or not. There weren't the usual
> remarks or comments. Could some let me know if they were there?
> Jim
If you are referring to the two posts, one with a single box and one with, I
think, three, yes, they were there and viewable.
They were good boxes.
Mike G.
[email protected]
Heirloom Woods
"Jim Heater" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> On the 27th I posted some pictures of a desk and some boxes I made. I
> know if they were viewable by anyone or not. There weren't the usual
> remarks or comments. Could some let me know if they were there?
> Jim
Yes, both *.jpg's are there
On Mon, 1 Mar 2004 12:19:47 -0500, "Jim Heater" <[email protected]>
>On the 27th I posted some pictures of a desk and some boxes I made. I don't
>know if they were viewable by anyone or not. There weren't the usual
>remarks or comments. Could some let me know if they were there?
John Hewitt Malaga Spain