Jay Pique

19/08/2004 12:09 AM

IWF '04 Advice

Any IWF veterans out there have any advice for a first-time attendee?
Any "must see" exhibits, or should I just try to hit them all?

Are there good deals to be had at the show? I'd hate to show up
without my checkbook only to find out I could have gotten the hole
line of Lee Valley planes at a 38% discount or something like that.


This topic has 6 replies


Unisaw A100

in reply to Jay Pique on 19/08/2004 12:09 AM

19/08/2004 4:24 AM

Jay Pique wrote:
>Any IWF veterans out there have any advice for a first-time attendee?

Wear comfortable shoes. No really.

Set aside the first day to see the main hall. On day two
check out the concourse levels. Day three should be
reserved to see all the stuff you missed (Go through your
vendor list and highlight all you want to see. At the end
of each day strike off what you saw. Rinse and repeat).

>Any "must see" exhibits, or should I just try to hit them all?

The main hall is a goddamn wonderment. Exhibitors like
Delta/DeWalt/Jet/etal will be set up in the main hall but
their exhibits don't offer much/look like their
catalogs/stuff you've seen before. Not saying they are
worth a low and slow fly by, just that unless someone is
unveiling something new, you aren't going to see anything

The concourse levels are where you will find most of what
you want to see. The magazines (FWW/Wood/Pop Wood?) are all
set up there as are the "smaller" vendors.

But the main hall, it's a goddamn wonderment.

>Are there good deals to be had at the show? I'd hate to show up
>without my checkbook only to find out I could have gotten the hole
>line of Lee Valley planes at a 38% discount or something like that.

Lately (the last decade or so) the show has shifted from
something that was once strictly for the professional shop
to a rather nice blend of commercial/hobbyist though it is
still weighted heavily to the commercial side. It would be
silly to leave the check (cheque David) book at home.

UA100, who wore comfy shoes...


[email protected] (Quadindad2)

in reply to Unisaw A100 on 19/08/2004 4:24 AM

19/08/2004 1:37 PM

check the porter cable and delta booths, Norm will probably be making an
apperance at a specified time


Jay Pique

in reply to Jay Pique on 19/08/2004 12:09 AM

19/08/2004 5:12 PM

On Thu, 19 Aug 2004 15:39:01 GMT, Pat Barber
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Take money and backup plastic...
>(The money is for the Cokes that cost $5.00)
>You will need that and a pair of the best shoes you
>own. This is a really big ass place with more than you
>can imagine to see.

I'll definitely bring the walking shoes. I may even bring a Camelback
full of Gatorade or something, that way I'll have a backpack to lug
stuff around in as well.

>I'll be there myself.

Atlanta in the summertime. Thank god for climate control.


>Jay Pique wrote:
>> Any IWF veterans out there have any advice for a first-time attendee?
>> Any "must see" exhibits, or should I just try to hit them all?
>> Are there good deals to be had at the show? I'd hate to show up
>> without my checkbook only to find out I could have gotten the hole
>> line of Lee Valley planes at a 38% discount or something like that.
>> JP


[email protected] (Eric Anderson)

in reply to Jay Pique on 19/08/2004 12:09 AM

19/08/2004 9:03 PM

Any reason to be there on any specific day? I will be coming in on
Wednesday afternoon and leaving late Saturday afternoon. Got a flight
for $118 RT from Detroit to Atlanta and $59 a night at an airport
hotel or I might not have done it. Glad that Lee Valley will be
there. I have missed them at some of the local shows lately. I have
never seen Grizzly at a show, so that will be interesting.

"Robin Lee" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Well Jay -
> We'll have a bucha cool stuff.... the large shoulder, and a new "ultimate"
> roller stand - in addition to other cool stuff....
> Cheers -
> Rob
> "Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
> > Any IWF veterans out there have any advice for a first-time attendee?
> > Any "must see" exhibits, or should I just try to hit them all?
> >
> > Are there good deals to be had at the show? I'd hate to show up
> > without my checkbook only to find out I could have gotten the hole
> > line of Lee Valley planes at a 38% discount or something like that.
> >
> > JP
> >


Pat Barber

in reply to Jay Pique on 19/08/2004 12:09 AM

19/08/2004 3:39 PM

Take money and backup plastic...
(The money is for the Cokes that cost $5.00)

You will need that and a pair of the best shoes you
own. This is a really big ass place with more than you
can imagine to see.

I'll be there myself.

Jay Pique wrote:

> Any IWF veterans out there have any advice for a first-time attendee?
> Any "must see" exhibits, or should I just try to hit them all?
> Are there good deals to be had at the show? I'd hate to show up
> without my checkbook only to find out I could have gotten the hole
> line of Lee Valley planes at a 38% discount or something like that.
> JP


"Robin Lee"

in reply to Jay Pique on 19/08/2004 12:09 AM

19/08/2004 4:33 PM

Well Jay -

We'll have a bucha cool stuff.... the large shoulder, and a new "ultimate"
roller stand - in addition to other cool stuff....

Cheers -


"Jay Pique" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Any IWF veterans out there have any advice for a first-time attendee?
> Any "must see" exhibits, or should I just try to hit them all?
> Are there good deals to be had at the show? I'd hate to show up
> without my checkbook only to find out I could have gotten the hole
> line of Lee Valley planes at a 38% discount or something like that.
> JP

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