
[email protected] (JMWEBER987)

10/12/2003 7:47 PM

Sheng Tsai brand tools. Anyone?

Anyone ever hear of Sheng Tsai tools or know anything about them? In
particular their bandsaws. Made in Taiwan. Some info is at
but not a lot of detail. Any good? bad?

This topic has 6 replies


[email protected] (Bob Davis)

in reply to [email protected] (JMWEBER987) on 10/12/2003 7:47 PM

10/12/2003 6:53 PM

[email protected] (JMWEBER987) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Anyone ever hear of Sheng Tsai tools or know anything about them? In
> particular their bandsaws. Made in Taiwan. Some info is at
> http://www.allproducts.com/machine/st1/01st-wbs1401.html
> but not a lot of detail. Any good? bad?
> Mike

Mike, I'm sorry I don't know anything about them. You didn't ask, but
I'll share my opinion. I do not use my tools professionally but hope
to some day. Even in my hobbyist experience, I've had enough events
with repairs and adjustments and support to firmly believe in paying
for name brands.

I think 40% of the price in a name brand is customer support and its
worth it to me. Jet is there for me anytime I have a question or a
problem and I don't have to talk to a scripted help desk in Bangalore.
I talk to someone who uses and knows the tools that speaks plain
english. I buy through a local knowledgeable dealer that gives me
lots and lots of followup advise and how-to information.

I dropped my Dewalt cordless drill for a fatal fall on the concrete
from 12 feet up. It was one year out of warranty. Dewalt gave me a
complete latest model replacement for $39.95.




in reply to [email protected] (JMWEBER987) on 10/12/2003 7:47 PM

11/12/2003 7:02 AM

The last time I was in a tool store anywhere except the US.

"Lawrence A. Ramsey" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> When was the last time you saw
> a motor ratings for hp given as WATTS?


Chris Merrill

in reply to [email protected] (JMWEBER987) on 10/12/2003 7:47 PM

11/12/2003 7:50 PM

Lawrence A. Ramsey wrote:
> Looks like you have to buyt 10 at once. When was the last time you saw
> a motor ratings for hp given as WATTS?

Tuesday, on my Triton router.

Everyone in the world uses Watts...except US - with our damned english
units. Even the English don't use english units, anymore.

Chris Merrill
[email protected]
(remove the ZZZ to contact me)



in reply to [email protected] (JMWEBER987) on 10/12/2003 7:47 PM

11/12/2003 7:05 PM

I have one of their 14" bandsaws. A now defunct chain called Builders Square
had them on closeout for $99. I bought the whole pile of 5, assembled them,
tuned them up and sold them for $150. I kept the best one for me. It's a
crude copy of the Delta 14" unit. Works well for most stuff but I'm still
looking for a good deal on a DoAll or Grob.


"Bob Davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> [email protected] (JMWEBER987) wrote in message
news:<[email protected]>...
> > Anyone ever hear of Sheng Tsai tools or know anything about them? In
> > particular their bandsaws. Made in Taiwan. Some info is at
> > http://www.allproducts.com/machine/st1/01st-wbs1401.html
> > but not a lot of detail. Any good? bad?
> > Mike


Andy Dingley

in reply to [email protected] (JMWEBER987) on 10/12/2003 7:47 PM

12/12/2003 11:22 PM

On Wed, 10 Dec 2003 14:36:21 -0600, Lawrence A. Ramsey
<[email protected]> wrote:

>Looks like you have to buyt 10 at once. When was the last time you saw
>a motor ratings for hp given as WATTS?

Damn right ! Motors are rated in VA, not Watts

(I've also seen a lot of machine-tool motors that were clearly
measured in Shetland horse-power, but not yet one in shrunken Watts)


Lawrence A. Ramsey

in reply to [email protected] (JMWEBER987) on 10/12/2003 7:47 PM

10/12/2003 2:36 PM

Looks like you have to buyt 10 at once. When was the last time you saw
a motor ratings for hp given as WATTS?

On 10 Dec 2003 19:47:39 GMT, [email protected] (JMWEBER987) wrote:

>Anyone ever hear of Sheng Tsai tools or know anything about them? In
>particular their bandsaws. Made in Taiwan. Some info is at
>but not a lot of detail. Any good? bad?

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