I'm working from a boot leg copy of a JessEm Mast R Lift
template and I have misplaced the little scrap-o-paper I'd
written the bit/template collar combination on. The
question is, I know it's a 1/2" bit but what size is the
Most grateful in advance and a promise to thank you
UA100, who is like this close (thumb and forefinger
reeeeeeeeal tight together) to finishing An Ultimate
Router Table....
"Unisaw A100" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> UA100, who is like this close (thumb and forefinger
> reeeeeeeeal tight together) to finishing An Ultimate
> Router Table....
[ Cartoon Thought Bubble appears over my head: ]
Hmm - when it's done - mine becomes the *penultimate* one?