
[email protected] (Paul R. Moscicki)

01/10/2003 12:42 PM

Interior Wood Window Finish


Does anyone have any opinions or ideas on what would be a preferred
clear top coat/finish for the interior wood trim on a new window. The
wood is pine and I plan on an oil-based stain (after a
pre-conditioner) followed by some clear topcoat. I would like to
achieve a satin finish. I've read just about every post possible and
scoured the web in search of advice but am left feeling more confused
than when I started! Argh!

I'd like to stay away from PU (polyurethane) if at all possible but
have contemplated varying types of varnishes (spar, etc.). Do I need
to be concerned with using spar varnishes on interior work? I was
also looking at the Waterlox brand (satin finish) but have read that
some folks are getting less that stellar results with that brand. Any
ideas, brands or advice would be appreciated.

Paul M.