

12/09/2003 10:37 PM

cleaning up a used plane

Well, I've been picking up a few planes here and there on eBay. A #4, a
#7C, and soon a #5. The #4 was a bit more work than I care for (heck
what do I mean 'was', I'm still not done w/ it!), but the #7C looks to
be in awesome shape, w/ the exception of a badly ground blade, and
someone put some orange paint in the areas ahead of the front tote,and
behind the rear grip. It's partly worn off, but the jappaning seems to
be in good condition stil. Any recommendations as to what to clean off
the paint with, without harming the jappaning? I'm not looking at a
fancy restoration, just don't want to look at orange paint while I'm
using it ;)



I know more than enough *nix to do some very destructive things,
and not nearly enough to do very many useful things.