

28/04/2016 12:16 PM

Small fan on Fuji 4 stage gun

I have been using the Fuji 4 stage for a number of years. It's a grea=
t investment. Recently, I have sensed that the "spray fan" width is not wi=
de enough. I then tested with water in the gun; the water is "thin" so it =
should show the best performance. =20

I have (again) cleaned all parts of the gun with lacquer thinner. I ty=
pically have replaced the "air tube/check valve" after each job - even thou=
gh they seemed to work. The top cap and washers on the cup were recently r=
eplaced (the new cap is a much better design).

I have ordered more air tubes with check valves to try again. However,=
the only thing I don't know how to check is the air supply turbine. The f=
ilter was changed in the recent past and appears to be clean. It appears to=
deliver enough air.

Anybody go any ideas on what else to look for? Maybe I am "misremembe=
ring" how big the fan should be. Are there any charts on how big the spray =
fan should be when using water at 1 foot?
