Had to go in to the wood store where I have been getting my wood lately to
get some red oak trim to finish up the wife's blanket chest. Wasn't in as
much of a hurry as I usually am, so decided to look around at what they had
in faced ply and some hardwood. Wow! Never realized. Faced ply in, of course
oak, but also cherry, Hondurus Mahogany, Walnut, and even clear pine, to
name a few. Went to the hardwood section and was looking at the walnut,
mahogany, cherry, ect. Saw some African Mahogany that I could just visualize
a nice shiny clear finish on, not my usual wipe on poly. Beautiful wood with
tiny dark specs in it. That humidor I want to build may have to be my first
attempt at solid wood building. And what really got me is that it is cheaper
than the red oak at the borg. If my poor memory serves me, the African
Mahogany was $5.65 a board foot. I'm all jazzed now, just need more free
Paul O.
[email protected]
"Paul O." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
. And what really got me is that it is cheaper
> than the red oak at the borg. If my poor memory serves me, the African
> Mahogany was $5.65 a board foot. I'm all jazzed now, just need more free
> time.
Not a bad price. I pay $5.50 for it rough.
"NoOne N Particular" <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> I watched an episode of New Yankee Workshop this morning and ol' Norm had
> some TEAK vaneer plywood. Wonder where that came from.
> Wayne
Did a quick search and came up with http://www.boulterplywood.com/
If you think the teak is expensive, check out the 3/4" quarter sawn African
mahogany transom material for $479 a sheet.
I watched an episode of New Yankee Workshop this morning and ol' Norm had
some TEAK vaneer plywood. Wonder where that came from.
"Paul O." <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:[email protected]...
> Had to go in to the wood store where I have been getting my wood lately to
> get some red oak trim to finish up the wife's blanket chest. Wasn't in as
> much of a hurry as I usually am, so decided to look around at what they
> in faced ply and some hardwood. Wow! Never realized. Faced ply in, of
> oak, but also cherry, Hondurus Mahogany, Walnut, and even clear pine, to
> name a few. Went to the hardwood section and was looking at the walnut,
> mahogany, cherry, ect. Saw some African Mahogany that I could just
> a nice shiny clear finish on, not my usual wipe on poly. Beautiful wood
> tiny dark specs in it. That humidor I want to build may have to be my
> attempt at solid wood building. And what really got me is that it is
> than the red oak at the borg. If my poor memory serves me, the African
> Mahogany was $5.65 a board foot. I'm all jazzed now, just need more free
> time.
> --
> Paul O.
> [email protected]
NoOne N Particular wrote:
> I watched an episode of New Yankee Workshop this morning and ol' Norm had
> some TEAK vaneer plywood. Wonder where that came from.
One source is Boulter Plywood <http://www.boulterplywood.com/>. They'll cut
to order and ship anywhere in the US.
> Wayne
> "Paul O." <[email protected]> wrote in message
> news:[email protected]...
>> Had to go in to the wood store where I have been getting my wood lately
>> to get some red oak trim to finish up the wife's blanket chest. Wasn't in
>> as much of a hurry as I usually am, so decided to look around at what
>> they
> had
>> in faced ply and some hardwood. Wow! Never realized. Faced ply in, of
> course
>> oak, but also cherry, Hondurus Mahogany, Walnut, and even clear pine, to
>> name a few. Went to the hardwood section and was looking at the walnut,
>> mahogany, cherry, ect. Saw some African Mahogany that I could just
> visualize
>> a nice shiny clear finish on, not my usual wipe on poly. Beautiful wood
> with
>> tiny dark specs in it. That humidor I want to build may have to be my
> first
>> attempt at solid wood building. And what really got me is that it is
> cheaper
>> than the red oak at the borg. If my poor memory serves me, the African
>> Mahogany was $5.65 a board foot. I'm all jazzed now, just need more free
>> time.
>> --
>> Paul O.
>> [email protected]
Reply to jclarke at ae tee tee global dot net
(was jclarke at eye bee em dot net)