On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 08:07:11 -0700 (PDT), "Gramps' shop" <[email protected]> wrote:
>HF has this inspection camera on sale for $66:
>Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have a jammed drawer in a china cabinet and need to do some laproscopic surgery to open it.
As the late great Yogi Berra once said "deja vu all over again"?
On 10/16/2015 11:07 AM, Gramps' shop wrote:
> HF has this inspection camera on sale for $66:
> http://www.harborfreight.com/digital-inspection-camera-61839.html
> Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have a jammed drawer in a china cabinet and need to do some laproscopic surgery to open it.
> Larry
if you're not in a rush I would try something like this.
A lot cheaper, you can use a laptop, get a better image.
The HF is a crappy image.
Just search and look for similar to this item, you'll find different
The nice thing is the long capability, some of them go more than 15 feet.
On 10/16/2015 10:07 AM, Gramps' shop wrote:
> HF has this inspection camera on sale for $66:
> http://www.harborfreight.com/digital-inspection-camera-61839.html
> Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have a jammed drawer in a china cabinet and need to do some laproscopic surgery to open it.
Might be just a bad one but the one I bought was all but worthless.
Blurry image (thinking bad camera chip as all else works) Problem was I
never buy their extended protection and as it was on sale for even less
than this price, I grabbed it on impulse and set it on a shelf for
future need.
Take a look on Ebay for USB "Endoscope" or some such combo. Bought one
that plugs into a laptop or netbook USB, is illuminated and had about a
3 meter cord. You can attach the camera head to most anything (fish
tape) and the video quality is 200$ - 300% better. Cost? About $20
On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 08:07:11 -0700 (PDT), "Gramps' shop"
<[email protected]> wrote:
>HF has this inspection camera on sale for $66:
>Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have a jammed drawer in a china cabinet and need to do some laproscopic surgery to open it.
Can it be used for a DIY colonoscopy? That would be a real time and
money saver.
woodchucker wrote:
> On 10/16/2015 11:07 AM, Gramps' shop wrote:
>> HF has this inspection camera on sale for $66:
>> http://www.harborfreight.com/digital-inspection-camera-61839.html
>> Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have a jammed drawer in a china cabinet and need to do some laproscopic surgery to open it.
>> Larry
> if you're not in a rush I would try something like this.
> A lot cheaper, you can use a laptop, get a better image.
> The HF is a crappy image.
> http://www.ebay.com/itm/171573739053?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
> Just search and look for similar to this item, you'll find different
> resolutions.
> The nice thing is the long capability, some of them go more than 15 feet.
I have one of these and the LED is very helpful. OK for the
occasional use like this.
GW Ross
Don't hate yourself in the morning -
sleep till noon.
On 10/16/2015 11:07 AM, Gramps' shop wrote:
> HF has this inspection camera on sale for $66:
> http://www.harborfreight.com/digital-inspection-camera-61839.html
> Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have a jammed drawer in a china cabinet and need to do some laproscopic surgery to open it.
> Larry
I'm curious. I imagine you are intending to drill the holes in from the
rear of the cabinet. Assuming so, could you perhaps just drill through
the cabinet back - NOT into the drawer itself - and then try to tap the
drawer loose with a mallet and a large dowel?
>HF has this inspection camera on sale for $66:
>Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have a jammed drawer in a china cabinet and need to do some laproscopic surgery to open it.
Another version ...
... this one has a waterproof probe - the HF unit doesn't say <?>
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