Folks -
I've had the Excalibur overarm blade guard setup for several months and have
a question... I have the guard set up so that the counterweight and wire
bail on the guard face to the front, as is illustrated in the assembly
instructions and on this website:
I have the unit mounted on a General RT cabinet saw... I am thinking about
reversing the blade guard itself so that there wasn't so much "stuff"
hanging around the front of the blade - it obscures vision to the point of
being a distraction sometimes.. I have seen the guard head reversed on other
sites, no example, tho' and was wondering if this was safe or if any of you
that own the Excalibur have done this.
IMHO the blade would still be covered, and the dust collection would still
work fine, it would just serve to improve the view. I don't want to start
another flame war like with the wire brush fiasco, but would like your
10, count em... TEN, and aiming to keep it that way.
John Moorhead