Thanks to all who replied to my post, including one e-mail, to help me
in selecting an ambient air cleaner. I finally decided on a Jet Model
AFS-1000B. That done, I started to shop around for the best price. I
almost bought it from Rockler for $239.99 plus $11.99 S & H. After
calling around to a few local suppliers I found one who would have it
shipped directly from Jet to me at the aforementioned price but no S & H
charge. It should arrive in about a week. I still have to order a better
bag for my Delta DC which does a great job in sucking up the chips but
not the "fines". I hope that I will breath easier and not have to go
around with a cloth and Endust to remove that layer of dust that always
covers everything. Incidently I considered building my own but took the
coward's route instead. Again, everyone's comments were greatly
Peace ~ Sir Edgar