

20/06/2004 4:38 PM

What to do with a big "Copper beech"

Subject: What to do with a big "Copper beech" - 3 attachments
From: Han <[email protected]>

Hi All:

We received a notice, copied below, and I was wondering what could be done
with the wood of this tree in Fair Lawn NJ ...

Picture on abpw

> We have been advised by Bartlett Tree Experts that we must remove the
> Copper Beech tree in "B" Park in order to protect the two remaining
> beeches, as insects are attracted to dying trees, and, if attracted to
> this tree, can also fly onto the two adjacent beeches.
> The Copper Beech has beech bark disease and the trunk is quite hollow
> except for the very center, which is why only the center branches are
> leafing out. This is a result of many factors, most particularly the
> drought of two years ago and the excessive heat of the past two summers.
> Beech trees of this sort do best in a climate like that of England, to
> which they are native, not the lack of moisture and extreme heat we have
> endured here in New Jersey. The beech trees have a normal life span of
> 75 + years, and this one has reached its point of extinction.
> When first we became aware that the tree was not leafing out fully, we
> did attempt last year to slow down the deterioration by deep root
> injections and by feeding, but it has been to no avail.
> We will attempt to have the tree removed in the afternoon so as not to
> cause problems for Playgroup and Tot Lot, but at this moment, the
> removal is not set. If possible, we will try to hold off until August,
> but it may not be feasible.

Best regards
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