
[email protected] (Jpatmck)

29/08/2004 12:32 PM

Jet 10" Table Saw Pricing (used)

I have 10" Jet Contractor's saw (JWTS-10) that is little-used, about 4
years-old and in excellent condition. The saw has the 30" fence and stamped
steel (not cast) wings. Included with the saw is an aftermarket mobile base.
I have recently moved to Atlanta and no longer have the room for the saw and
would like to sell it. Any suggestions on what a fair price is for this saw
w/base? Thanks.

[email protected]

This topic has 5 replies


[email protected] (James Cubby Culbertson)

in reply to [email protected] (Jpatmck) on 29/08/2004 12:32 PM

01/09/2004 1:16 AM

FWIW, Lowes appears to carry Jet now. Just saw this same saw there
for $579 or something. If I'm buying and the stuff is in good shape,
half retail cost is a good deal to me.


[email protected] (Ian Dodd)

in reply to [email protected] (Jpatmck) on 29/08/2004 12:32 PM

29/08/2004 6:49 PM

I bought this exact same saw about 2 years ago. The fellow I bought
it from had bought a ton of tools and then decided woodworking wasn't
his deal. I paid him $500 for the saw and mobile base. Seemed fair
to both of us.


[email protected] (Jpatmck) wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> I have 10" Jet Contractor's saw (JWTS-10) that is little-used, about 4
> years-old and in excellent condition. The saw has the 30" fence and stamped
> steel (not cast) wings. Included with the saw is an aftermarket mobile base.
> I have recently moved to Atlanta and no longer have the room for the saw and
> would like to sell it. Any suggestions on what a fair price is for this saw
> w/base? Thanks.
> Pat
> [email protected]


Rob Jones

in reply to [email protected] (Jpatmck) on 29/08/2004 12:32 PM

30/08/2004 9:24 AM

I bought the exact same saw about 3 years ago; saw had never been
used. In fact, the fence hadn't even been attached! It did not have
a mobile base. I paid $325.00.


On 29 Aug 2004 12:32:20 GMT, [email protected] (Jpatmck) wrote:

>I have 10" Jet Contractor's saw (JWTS-10) that is little-used, about 4
>years-old and in excellent condition. The saw has the 30" fence and stamped
>steel (not cast) wings. Included with the saw is an aftermarket mobile base.
>I have recently moved to Atlanta and no longer have the room for the saw and
>would like to sell it. Any suggestions on what a fair price is for this saw
>w/base? Thanks.
>[email protected]



in reply to [email protected] (Jpatmck) on 29/08/2004 12:32 PM

30/08/2004 2:12 PM

On Sun, 29 Aug 2004 18:49:54 -0700, Ian Dodd wrote:

> I bought this exact same saw about 2 years ago. The fellow I bought
> it from had bought a ton of tools and then decided woodworking wasn't
> his deal. I paid him $500 for the saw and mobile base. Seemed fair
> to both of us.

I'm speaking from a position of almost complete ignorance, but could
someone explain why this is as good a deal as the Ridgid down at HD for
$550? The Ridgid has cast iron wings, if I recall correctly, not
stamped wings like the used Jet.


[email protected] (Kevin Daly)

in reply to ray on 30/08/2004 2:12 PM

31/08/2004 10:31 AM

I bought my Jet Contractor's Saw brand new from Sears (on closeout) for $218

Kevin Daly

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