Dear All,
As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
planet. It will also affect us;
rising sea levels, dwindling water supplies, mass deaths due to heat
waves, stoppage of the gulfstream, which
brings milder climate to north of Europe, super hurricanes, less food
due to droughts are some of the effects.
As you also know global warming is produced due to CO2 emissions
coming from burning of fossil fuels. So what
can every single person do to reduce global warming ?
1) Insulation: Do you know that you can save 50% of heating energy
(and money) by insulation ? Especially in
the times the financial crisis, you can make the insulation cheaper
and save the money when oil, natural gas and
coal prices are higher due to higher demand. What needs to be
insulated ? Firstly the Roof, since warmer air
goes up, then the windows (tripple glass or at least dual glass and
shutters for additional insulation at night,
and in summer time), then the outer walls. Also small cracks, leaks in
weatherstrips etc should be eliminated.
An infrared inspection of your house for heat losses would be the best
way to find out what else can be done.
A wintergarden will help heating your house additionally in winter
2) Using rechargable batteries instead of alkaline batteries, and
charge them during less demand ours like at night
will also save a lot of energy and money.
3) Lightning; the use of Compact fluorescent lamps instead of
traditioanl light bulbs will save 80% of energy, the
use of very new LED lamps will save even more.
4) Buying local. Most of the energy is spent for transportation of
imported goods, especially food. By buying local
made food you not only save a lot of energy, but also create more jobs
at home.
5) Heating; there are several way to save energy and money by changing
the heating method; you can use the free heat of the nature by adding
a solar thermal equipment to heat the water for taking showers and
also to heat your home. Additionally you can use a heating pump, which
funtions like a reverse fridge; it takes the heat of the outside and
transfers it to your home. You use much much less energy to do this
(electricity to pump a liquid).
6) Your car; by buying a hybrid car you save 30% of fuel, by
converting your car to CNG (compressed natural gas) you can save a lot
of CO2, since CNG has much less carbon but more hydrogen, which will
result in water (CH4 instead of C8H18). CNG will also result in much
more energy output per mass. The conversion is not very expensive. It
is totally save, since the storage has to resist a certain pressure.
Of course there are also other smaller things you have to consider:
- Each 60 pounds increases fuel consumption by 10%.
- Aggressive driving (speeding, rapid acceleration, and hard braking)
wastes gas. It can lower your highway gas
mileage 33% and city mileage 5%.
- Drive at lowest and constant rpms; 2000 rpm are enough; you can save
up to 30%. Even a Porsche can be driven
at the 4th gear at 20 mph and at the 6th gear at 50 mph with 2.5
times less fuel consumption.
- Avoid high speeds. Driving 75 mph, rather than 65 mph, could cut
your fuel economy by 15%.
- Use air conditioning only when necessary
- Keep tires properly inflated and aligned to improve your gasoline
mileage by around 3.3%.
- Replace clogged air filters to improve gas mileage by as much as 10%
and protect your engine
- Combine errands into one trip. Several short trips, each one taken
from a cold start, can use twice as much fuel
as one trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm. Do
not forget that in the first mile your car uses
8 times more fuel, in the second mile 4 times and only after the
fourth mile it becomes normal
7) Buying A++ or A+++ equipments. The extra money you pay for this
will be back in 1-2 years. It will save a lot of
8) Try to save also energy at your job; you can do it by insulation,
more efficient processes, heat recovery, more
efficient pumps/engines, low temperature processses, material
saving, water savings, optimization, automatic
turning off of unnecessary energy using processes, control if some
processes are really necessary (the change
of some processes makes other processes sometimes unnecesarry on
which nobody has thought about).
9) Solar cells for your own home; at the moment solar cells are very
cheap since there is an overproduction.
These cells can operate a fridge for example.
Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/> writes:
>On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 22:15:33 -0700, the infamous Mark & Juanita
><> scrawled the following:
>>.. wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>>> planet. It will also affect us;
>>... snip of global warming hoax spam
>> Too bad the spammer won't see this. Another nail in the AGW coffin:
>> <>
>> Consensus! /or not ... (Well, we *thought* he was gonna say they were
>>going to melt, so we kinda ran with it. We were busy publishing the story
>>so really didn't get to attend his paper presentation.)
>The IPCC sure stepped on its own dick that time, huh? Maybe they'll
>get some sense and review -everything- they've ever received,
>especially from Michael Mann's known-corrupt _CRU_.
Michael Mann is at Penn. CRU is in the UK. You're probably thinking
Phil Jones (although they're peas in a pod).
On Jan 17, 9:15=A0pm, Mark & Juanita <> wrote:
> .... global warming hoax .....
Let's not forget the evolution hoax, the germ theory of disease hoax,
and the Copernican heliocentrism hoax, not to speak of the spherical
earth hoax, all equally deserving of the opprobrium of the wreck's
scientological experts.
On 1/17/2010 11:15 PM, Mark & Juanita wrote:
> .. wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>> planet. It will also affect us;
> ... snip of global warming hoax spam
> Too bad the spammer won't see this. Another nail in the AGW coffin:
> <>
> Consensus! /or not ... (Well, we *thought* he was gonna say they were
> going to melt, so we kinda ran with it. We were busy publishing the story
> so really didn't get to attend his paper presentation.)
Hell. if it fits your agenda, use it ... after all we've spent all that
education money to insure they are too stupid and manipulatable to know
the difference ... and if it fails you can always blame it on the last
Last update: 10/22/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:54:03 -0600, the infamous Swingman
<> scrawled the following:
>On 1/18/2010 9:48 AM, Doug Miller wrote:
>>> "HeyBub"<> wrote in message
>>>> spaco wrote:
>>>>> Dear Blank:
>>>>> Ho-Hum.
>>>>> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
>>>>> will.
>>>> Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
>>>> cubic mile.
>>> If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked the
>>> equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
>>> mile.
>> Cute, but not in fact accurate. Not *yet*, anyway...<g>
>> I got curious... a dollar bill is 6.14" long by 2.61" wide by 0.0043" thick.
>> If my calculations are right, a cubic mile will hold 3691 trillion of them.
>How many Brazilian is that? ;)
No matter how many times you use that word, it always brings up
another phrase/pic in my mind: Brazilian style bikini waxing.
It's not a bad picture, just more humorous than intended. ;)
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln
.. wrote:
> Dear All,
> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
> planet. It will also affect us;
... snip of global warming hoax spam
Too bad the spammer won't see this. Another nail in the AGW coffin:
Consensus! /or not ... (Well, we *thought* he was gonna say they were
going to melt, so we kinda ran with it. We were busy publishing the story
so really didn't get to attend his paper presentation.)
There is never a situation where having more rounds is a disadvantage
Rob Leatham
spaco wrote:
> Dear Blank:
> Ho-Hum.
> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
> will.
Nope -- Europeans are not even replacing themselves except for their
"asian" immigrants who, once they reach a majority status will implement a
Eurabia that isn't going to give a flip about either global warming or
Same thing in Russia, birthrate is below replacement. China has its one-
child policy and a cultural disposition to the desire for boys, so more boys
than girls are being allowed to be born, many girls either being killed via
abortion or shortly after birth.
i.e., the industrialized countries with the technology and means to deal
with growing populations are on the decline because they bought into the
last global hype scare (plus some rampant narcissism) while the third world
countries who can't apply those technologies are increasing with the danger
of increasing mortality rates.
> See:
> Pete Stanaitis
> ---------------------
There is never a situation where having more rounds is a disadvantage
Rob Leatham
spaco wrote:
> Dear Blank:
> Ho-Hum.
> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
> will.
Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
cubic mile.
At the same population density of Hong Kong, the world's population would
fit in West Virginia.
Which, when you think on it, is indeed pretty ghastly.
"HeyBub" <> wrote in message
> spaco wrote:
>> Dear Blank:
>> Ho-Hum.
>> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
>> will.
> Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
> cubic mile.
If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked the
equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
LDosser wrote:
> This is actually worse than it looks. Global Climate Models (GCM)
> have to take many, many variables into consideration. In general the
> planet will be divided into a number of distinct areas. such as a two
> by two degree grid. Once the mapping has been agreed upon, each block
> is encoded for surface type and may or may not have values associated
> with it. A surface type may be water, sand, ice, forest, and so on.
> Typical values might be albedo or, in the case of water surface,
> albedo and temperature. Now, all that considered and adding the new
> knowledge on the Himalayan Glaciers, one wonders just what they were
> using for data in the Himalayas! Either they made up data
> (Falsified), or don't consider that in their GCM. If they made up
> data, one wonders just how much else was pulled from a dark place. If
> they didn't take the Himalayas into consideration, just what kind of
> shitty GCM are they running?!
In 1928, the Navy Hydrographic Office built the "Brass Brain," a 2500-pound
analog computer to do tide prediction. To use it, one set knobs for some
30-odd variables affecting the tides for a given location and turned a
crank. The output was a graph showing the expected tides in feet for the
specific location and times.
The machine was retired in the '60s and moved to the Smithsonian. It was
replaced by a CDC-6600 digital computer.
During its half-century of use, the machine received two engineering
upgrades: 1) The hand-crank was replaced with a washing-machine motor, and
2) The ink-pen was replaced with a felt-tip. Preventative maintenance was
performed once a year and consisted of oiling a few gear trains.
The Brass Brain could operate without power, under water, or at any
temperature. But here's the neat part that current climate models can't
If you wondered whether you had entered all the parameters properly, you
simply turned the crank backwards to see if you got the tides for the
preceeding month!
Ain't technology grand?
> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:01:59 -0800 (PST), the infamous Nahmie
> <> scrawled the following:
>>On Jan 17, 12:42Â pm, Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/>
>>> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 03:59:32 -0800 (PST), the infamous ".."
>>> <> scrawled the following:
>>> >Dear All,
>>> >As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>>> >planet. It will also affect us;
>>> >rising sea levels, dwindling water supplies, mass deaths due to heat
>>> >waves, stoppage of the gulfstream, which
>>> >brings milder climate to north of Europe, super hurricanes, less food
>>> >due to droughts are some of the effects.
>>> >As you also know global warming is produced due to CO2 emissions
>>> >coming from burning of fossil fuels. So what
>>> >can every single person do to reduce global warming ?
>>> Opa!  Oops, I meant to say  "KUMBAYA!"
>>> --
>>> The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
>>> of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
>>> --Abraham Lincoln
>>Hey, "C-less", as long as we're talking about such things as global
>>warming and excess power usage . . . . .do you stil have "Dina"?
> Sure do. Know any women woodworkers who need a LARGE, heavy vibrator?
What? Dina can't pass the nickel test?
how about roll of nickels?
There is never a situation where having more rounds is a disadvantage
Rob Leatham
.. wrote:
> Dear All,
> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
> planet. It will also affect us;
> rising sea levels, dwindling water supplies, mass deaths due to heat
> waves, stoppage of the gulfstream, which
> brings milder climate to north of Europe, super hurricanes, less food
> due to droughts are some of the effects.
> As you also know global warming is produced due to CO2 emissions
> coming from burning of fossil fuels. So what
> can every single person do to reduce global warming ?
Global Warming is caused by the AIDS quilt.
On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:59:25 -0700, the infamous Mark & Juanita
<> scrawled the following:
> wrote:
>> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:01:59 -0800 (PST), the infamous Nahmie
>> <> scrawled the following:
>>>Hey, "C-less", as long as we're talking about such things as global
>>>warming and excess power usage . . . . .do you stil have "Dina"?
>> Sure do. Know any women woodworkers who need a LARGE, heavy vibrator?
> What? Dina can't pass the nickel test?
> how about roll of nickels?
With her bent pulley (5" wide/flat), she can't even pass a _flat_
nickel test. After some cleaning, she did pass the hot-glued nickel
test, on edge!
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 23:33:22 -0800, the infamous "LDosser"
<LD@invalid.invalid> scrawled the following:
>"Larry Jaques" <novalidaddress@di\/> wrote in message
>> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 22:15:33 -0700, the infamous Mark & Juanita
>> <> scrawled the following:
>>>.. wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>>>> planet. It will also affect us;
>>>... snip of global warming hoax spam
>>> Too bad the spammer won't see this. Another nail in the AGW coffin:
>>> <>
>>> Consensus! /or not ... (Well, we *thought* he was gonna say they were
>>>going to melt, so we kinda ran with it. We were busy publishing the story
>>>so really didn't get to attend his paper presentation.)
>> The IPCC sure stepped on its own dick that time, huh? Maybe they'll
>> get some sense and review -everything- they've ever received,
>> especially from Michael Mann's known-corrupt _CRU_.
>This is actually worse than it looks. Global Climate Models (GCM) have to
>take many, many variables into consideration. In general the planet will be
>divided into a number of distinct areas. such as a two by two degree grid.
>Once the mapping has been agreed upon, each block is encoded for surface
>type and may or may not have values associated with it. A surface type may
>be water, sand, ice, forest, and so on. Typical values might be albedo or,
>in the case of water surface, albedo and temperature. Now, all that
>considered and adding the new knowledge on the Himalayan Glaciers, one
>wonders just what they were using for data in the Himalayas! Either they
>made up data (Falsified), or don't consider that in their GCM. If they made
>up data, one wonders just how much else was pulled from a dark place. If
>they didn't take the Himalayas into consideration, just what kind of shitty
>GCM are they running?!
Bingo: several of the _many_ unanswered million dollar questions!
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln
On Jan 18, 8:52=A0am, "Mike Marlow" <>
> "HeyBub" <> wrote in message
> > spaco wrote:
> >> Dear Blank:
> >> Ho-Hum.
> >> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
> >> will.
> > Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
> > cubic mile.
> > At the same population density of Hong Kong, the world's population wou=
> > fit in West Virginia.
> > Which, when you think on it, is indeed pretty ghastly.
> Yeahbut, it would stink at the bottom of that pile. =A0Come to think of i=
> since it's West Virginia, it would stink around the edges too...
*Tip of the hat*
"HeyBub" <> wrote in message
> spaco wrote:
>> Dear Blank:
>> Ho-Hum.
>> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
>> will.
> Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
> cubic mile.
> At the same population density of Hong Kong, the world's population would
> fit in West Virginia.
> Which, when you think on it, is indeed pretty ghastly.
Yeahbut, it would stink at the bottom of that pile. Come to think of it,
since it's West Virginia, it would stink around the edges too...
On Jan 17, 9:48=A0am, "Leon" <lcb11...@swbell.dotnet> wrote:
> ".." <> wrote in message
> Twit!
Don't know what his game is, but it is spam.
Activity in
Solar cells for less than 1 USD per Watt 18 hours
Global Warming and what you can do to against it 19
hours ago
Global Warming and what you can do to against it 27 hours ago
How you can save fuel and the environment 2 days ago
How you can save fuel and the environment Suggest a Labs feature
6 days ago
How you can save fuel and the environment alt.architecture 6 days
How you can save fuel and the environment
alt.satellite.gps.garmin 6 days ago
How you can save fuel and the environment Jan 10
How you can save fuel and the environment comp.os.vxworks Jan 10
How you can save fuel and the environment
On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 12:21:03 -0600, the infamous Steve Turner
<> scrawled the following:
>On 01/21/2010 07:35 AM, Larry Jaques wrote:
>> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:59:25 -0700, the infamous Mark& Juanita
>> <> scrawled the following:
>>> wrote:
>>>> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:01:59 -0800 (PST), the infamous Nahmie
>>>> <> scrawled the following:
>>>>> Hey, "C-less", as long as we're talking about such things as global
>>>>> warming and excess power usage . . . . .do you stil have "Dina"?
>>>> Sure do. Know any women woodworkers who need a LARGE, heavy vibrator?
>>> What? Dina can't pass the nickel test?
>>> how about roll of nickels?
>> With her bent pulley (5" wide/flat), she can't even pass a _flat_
>> nickel test. After some cleaning, she did pass the hot-glued nickel
>> test, on edge!
>What kind of 'saurus is "Dina"?
Tablesaurus family of the Davis & Wells genus.
Born in Hollywood, CA in the 1920s. Her 1.5hp 240v motor is about the
size of a Pinto.
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln
On Jan 17, 12:42=A0pm, Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/>
> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 03:59:32 -0800 (PST), the infamous ".."
> <> scrawled the following:
> >Dear All,
> >As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
> >planet. It will also affect us;
> >rising sea levels, dwindling water supplies, mass deaths due to heat
> >waves, stoppage of the gulfstream, which
> >brings milder climate to north of Europe, super hurricanes, less food
> >due to droughts are some of the effects.
> >As you also know global warming is produced due to CO2 emissions
> >coming from burning of fossil fuels. So what
> >can every single person do to reduce global warming ?
> =A0Opa! =A0Oops, I meant to say =A0"KUMBAYA!"
> --
> The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
> of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
> =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 =A0 -=
-Abraham Lincoln
Hey, "C-less", as long as we're talking about such things as global
warming and excess power usage . . . . .do you stil have "Dina"?
On 1/18/2010 9:48 AM, Doug Miller wrote:
>> "HeyBub"<> wrote in message
>>> spaco wrote:
>>>> Dear Blank:
>>>> Ho-Hum.
>>>> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
>>>> will.
>>> Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
>>> cubic mile.
>> If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked the
>> equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
>> mile.
> Cute, but not in fact accurate. Not *yet*, anyway...<g>
> I got curious... a dollar bill is 6.14" long by 2.61" wide by 0.0043" thick.
> If my calculations are right, a cubic mile will hold 3691 trillion of them.
How many Brazilian is that?
Last update: 10/22/08
KarlC@ (the obvious)
In article <>, "Leon" <lcb11211@swbell.dotnet> wrote:
>"HeyBub" <> wrote in message
>> spaco wrote:
>>> Dear Blank:
>>> Ho-Hum.
>>> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
>>> will.
>> Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
>> cubic mile.
>If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked the
>equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
Cute, but not in fact accurate. Not *yet*, anyway... <g>
I got curious... a dollar bill is 6.14" long by 2.61" wide by 0.0043" thick.
If my calculations are right, a cubic mile will hold 3691 trillion of them.
In article <>, Swingman <> wrote:
>On 1/18/2010 9:48 AM, Doug Miller wrote:
>>> "HeyBub"<> wrote in message
>>>> spaco wrote:
>>>>> Dear Blank:
>>>>> Ho-Hum.
>>>>> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
>>>>> will.
>>>> Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
>>>> cubic mile.
>>> If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked the
>>> equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
>>> mile.
>> Cute, but not in fact accurate. Not *yet*, anyway...<g>
>> I got curious... a dollar bill is 6.14" long by 2.61" wide by 0.0043" thick.
>> If my calculations are right, a cubic mile will hold 3691 trillion of them.
>How many Brazilian is that?
"Larry Jaques" <novalidaddress@di\/> wrote in message
> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 22:15:33 -0700, the infamous Mark & Juanita
> <> scrawled the following:
>>.. wrote:
>>> Dear All,
>>> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>>> planet. It will also affect us;
>>... snip of global warming hoax spam
>> Too bad the spammer won't see this. Another nail in the AGW coffin:
>> <>
>> Consensus! /or not ... (Well, we *thought* he was gonna say they were
>>going to melt, so we kinda ran with it. We were busy publishing the story
>>so really didn't get to attend his paper presentation.)
> The IPCC sure stepped on its own dick that time, huh? Maybe they'll
> get some sense and review -everything- they've ever received,
> especially from Michael Mann's known-corrupt _CRU_.
This is actually worse than it looks. Global Climate Models (GCM) have to
take many, many variables into consideration. In general the planet will be
divided into a number of distinct areas. such as a two by two degree grid.
Once the mapping has been agreed upon, each block is encoded for surface
type and may or may not have values associated with it. A surface type may
be water, sand, ice, forest, and so on. Typical values might be albedo or,
in the case of water surface, albedo and temperature. Now, all that
considered and adding the new knowledge on the Himalayan Glaciers, one
wonders just what they were using for data in the Himalayas! Either they
made up data (Falsified), or don't consider that in their GCM. If they made
up data, one wonders just how much else was pulled from a dark place. If
they didn't take the Himalayas into consideration, just what kind of shitty
GCM are they running?!
In article <>, "Leon" <lcb11211@swbell.dotnet> wrote:
>"Doug Miller" <> wrote in message
>>>If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked
>>>equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
>> Cute, but not in fact accurate. Not *yet*, anyway... <g>
>> I got curious... a dollar bill is 6.14" long by 2.61" wide by 0.0043"
>> thick.
>> If my calculations are right, a cubic mile will hold 3691 trillion of
>> them.
>Sorry!.. I was making a joke but did not realise just how close I was. ;~)
>So, in 3 years, what I said.
Maybe 2-1/2...
On 01/21/2010 07:35 AM, Larry Jaques wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jan 2010 21:59:25 -0700, the infamous Mark& Juanita
> <> scrawled the following:
>> wrote:
>>> On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:01:59 -0800 (PST), the infamous Nahmie
>>> <> scrawled the following:
>>>> Hey, "C-less", as long as we're talking about such things as global
>>>> warming and excess power usage . . . . .do you stil have "Dina"?
>>> Sure do. Know any women woodworkers who need a LARGE, heavy vibrator?
>> What? Dina can't pass the nickel test?
>> how about roll of nickels?
> With her bent pulley (5" wide/flat), she can't even pass a _flat_
> nickel test. After some cleaning, she did pass the hot-glued nickel
> test, on edge!
What kind of 'saurus is "Dina"?
Is it ok if I remove the hyphen from "ball-less"?
If I do, is it two "ells" or three?
To reply, eat the taco.
On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 20:55:42 -0800, Larry Jaques
<novalidaddress@di\/> wrote:
>On Mon, 18 Jan 2010 09:54:03 -0600, the infamous Swingman
><> scrawled the following:
>>On 1/18/2010 9:48 AM, Doug Miller wrote:
>>>> "HeyBub"<> wrote in message
>>>>> spaco wrote:
>>>>>> Dear Blank:
>>>>>> Ho-Hum.
>>>>>> Over population will get us long before global warming, if it exists,
>>>>>> will.
>>>>> Nope. All the people on earth, if stacked like cordwood, would fit in a
>>>>> cubic mile.
>>>> If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked the
>>>> equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
>>>> mile.
>>> Cute, but not in fact accurate. Not *yet*, anyway...<g>
>>> I got curious... a dollar bill is 6.14" long by 2.61" wide by 0.0043" thick.
>>> If my calculations are right, a cubic mile will hold 3691 trillion of them.
>>How many Brazilian is that? ;)
>No matter how many times you use that word, it always brings up
>another phrase/pic in my mind: Brazilian style bikini waxing.
>It's not a bad picture, just more humorous than intended. ;)
FINALLY, somebody brings this thread back to wood.
On Tue, 19 Jan 2010 10:01:59 -0800 (PST), the infamous Nahmie
<> scrawled the following:
>On Jan 17, 12:42 pm, Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/>
>> On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 03:59:32 -0800 (PST), the infamous ".."
>> <> scrawled the following:
>> >Dear All,
>> >As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>> >planet. It will also affect us;
>> >rising sea levels, dwindling water supplies, mass deaths due to heat
>> >waves, stoppage of the gulfstream, which
>> >brings milder climate to north of Europe, super hurricanes, less food
>> >due to droughts are some of the effects.
>> >As you also know global warming is produced due to CO2 emissions
>> >coming from burning of fossil fuels. So what
>> >can every single person do to reduce global warming ?
>> Opa! Oops, I meant to say "KUMBAYA!"
>> --
>> The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
>> of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
>> --Abraham Lincoln
>Hey, "C-less", as long as we're talking about such things as global
>warming and excess power usage . . . . .do you stil have "Dina"?
Sure do. Know any women woodworkers who need a LARGE, heavy vibrator?
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln
"Doug Miller" <> wrote in message
>>If you took the current administration's spending of dollars and stacked
>>equivalent of dollar bills the same way the bills would NOT fit in a cubic
> Cute, but not in fact accurate. Not *yet*, anyway... <g>
> I got curious... a dollar bill is 6.14" long by 2.61" wide by 0.0043"
> thick.
> If my calculations are right, a cubic mile will hold 3691 trillion of
> them.
Sorry!.. I was making a joke but did not realise just how close I was. ;~)
So, in 3 years, what I said.
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 22:15:33 -0700, the infamous Mark & Juanita
<> scrawled the following:
>.. wrote:
>> Dear All,
>> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>> planet. It will also affect us;
>... snip of global warming hoax spam
> Too bad the spammer won't see this. Another nail in the AGW coffin:
> <>
> Consensus! /or not ... (Well, we *thought* he was gonna say they were
>going to melt, so we kinda ran with it. We were busy publishing the story
>so really didn't get to attend his paper presentation.)
The IPCC sure stepped on its own dick that time, huh? Maybe they'll
get some sense and review -everything- they've ever received,
especially from Michael Mann's known-corrupt _CRU_.
Wasting large percentages of the global GDP on hoaxes is not my idea
of anything we should be doing, especially in these hard times.
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln
On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 03:59:32 -0800 (PST), the infamous ".."
<> scrawled the following:
>Dear All,
>As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>planet. It will also affect us;
>rising sea levels, dwindling water supplies, mass deaths due to heat
>waves, stoppage of the gulfstream, which
>brings milder climate to north of Europe, super hurricanes, less food
>due to droughts are some of the effects.
>As you also know global warming is produced due to CO2 emissions
>coming from burning of fossil fuels. So what
>can every single person do to reduce global warming ?
Opa! Oops, I meant to say "KUMBAYA!"
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln
On 19 Jan 2010 19:49:19 GMT, the infamous (Scott
Lurndal) scrawled the following:
>Larry Jaques <novalidaddress@di\/> writes:
>>On Sun, 17 Jan 2010 22:15:33 -0700, the infamous Mark & Juanita
>><> scrawled the following:
>>>.. wrote:
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> As you know global warming is endangering the future of life on the
>>>> planet. It will also affect us;
>>>... snip of global warming hoax spam
>>> Too bad the spammer won't see this. Another nail in the AGW coffin:
>>> <>
>>> Consensus! /or not ... (Well, we *thought* he was gonna say they were
>>>going to melt, so we kinda ran with it. We were busy publishing the story
>>>so really didn't get to attend his paper presentation.)
>>The IPCC sure stepped on its own dick that time, huh? Maybe they'll
>>get some sense and review -everything- they've ever received,
>>especially from Michael Mann's known-corrupt _CRU_.
>Michael Mann is at Penn. CRU is in the UK. You're probably thinking
>Phil Jones (although they're peas in a pod).
The greatest fine art of the future will be the making
of a comfortable living from a small piece of land.
--Abraham Lincoln