

09/03/2015 9:00 PM

Feit LED Shop Lights at Costco!


I bought 4 of these LED 4' shop lights at Costco for 32 bucks each,
regularly $40 at our local Costco. I'll be going back to buy some more
(even at $40) as soon as their replacement shipment comes in.

These things are great! I've always loved LED lights because of their
efficiency and brightness, however, I hate the fact that they
temporarily blind you if you happen to glance right at the diode, giving
you that blind spot in your eyes for 5 minutes.

I've also never understood why they have to make LED lights in the shape
of older light technologies. Do I really need my LED light to be in the
shape of an incandescent bulb? I guess the marketing department thinks
we're all too afraid of new things.

In this case, however, I'm glad they make these LED shop lights in the
shape of florescent shop light, because they spread the light out very
nicely AND they put a white coating over the tubes to diffuse the light.
This means I can look directly at the light without being blinded.

These things very bright with a nice, cool, neutral tone that reflects
accurate colors for wood finishing. They are only 38watts per fixture!
This is less than half what my previous florescent fixtures consumed,
and they put out the equivalent of a 250 watt bulb. So I'm getting 1000
watts of light for the cost of 152 with absolutely no heat.

My old shop lights were about $15-20 per fixture plus the $10-12 or more
for the daylight tubes I put in them. I ended up replacing ballasts (or
entire fixture) every couple years as well as tubes.

These LEDs are already a decent color/tone, start up instantly, and are
rated to last 30 years in I use them 6 hours a day, 365 days a year, and
use half the energy as florescents.

I have four of them up and the look great, extremely bright, and
completely silent. With the white ceiling, the shop is super bright!



"Playing is not something I do at night, it's my function in life"
--Elvin Jones (1927-2004)
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