

29/09/2004 8:46 PM

Bench Dog 40-031 ProMax Cast Iron Router Table/Table Saw Extension

Has anyone acquired one of these yet? $339.00 at Woodcrafter $284.00 at
Looks like it would be ideal for my Jet table saw.
Any thoughts?


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[email protected] (Ian Dodd)

in reply to "furr2ball" on 29/09/2004 8:46 PM

01/10/2004 8:41 AM

I've been thinking about upgrading the rip fence on my Jet TS.
Looking at the Accusquare website, I came across their version of the
Bench Dog you;re considering:


Of course, it means investing in the new fence so it totals up to more
$, but I've been underwhelmed with the Jet fence.

"furr2ball" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:<[email protected]>...
> Has anyone acquired one of these yet? $339.00 at Woodcrafter $284.00 at
> Amazon.
> Looks like it would be ideal for my Jet table saw.
> Any thoughts?
> Furr2ball

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